Like many men, my husband was reluctant to declutter his closet. And so, I teamed up with him to get the job done. Find out what I learned that helped him get organized and complete the process.


closet declutter. tips to help get your husband organized

My husband watched as I decluttered my clothing, creating a 50 piece year round capsule wardrobe. Seeing how freeing it has been for me to have a smaller wardrobe, he became interested in tackling his own side of the closet. Though interested, he had no idea where to start or what to do. In fact, he told me that I could go ahead and get rid of anything I wanted and he would just wear whatever I decided to keep.

While decluttering other people’s belongings isn’t generally recommended, it may work for some items. Things such as dishes, toys, and books might be easy for an outsider to sort through without too many problems. Clothing though? I think it’s much too personal. And though he hates to admit it, I know that my husband has an opinion about how he looks and what he feels comfortable wearing.

And so, after some negotiation, we came to the decision that we would work together on his closet declutter. After everything was sorted, I would then be in charge of organizing the remaining items in a thoughtful way that he could easily maintain.



Before we began the closet declutter, we sat down and talked about which clothing items he tends to gravitate toward. His response was that he likes to be comfortable, and that jeans, t-shirts and hooded sweatshirts were among his favorites. I would agree that it seems to be what he wears most often – though he does need to dress up slightly more for his office job. In that respect, he prefers polo shirts and nice sweaters to button downs and ties.

With this information in mind, we set to work on the process.


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Following the KonMari method of decluttering, we gathered all of his clothing and laid it on the bed. We share a small closet, where he hangs up his nicer shirts. He also has a couple of drawers where he keeps t-shirts, shorts, and undergarments.

Husband's closet declutter - how to help him organize

Seeing the mound of clothing on the bed seemed to surprise him. In fact, he commented that he probably had more clothes than I did! Now that I have my capsule wardrobe, perhaps. But during my own closet declutter, the pile I had on the bed was nearly twice the size of his. He just didn’t witness it.



My husband felt more comfortable going through his items while I was standing in the room. He knew from the start that he wasn’t planning on creating a capsule wardrobe. Instead, he wished to eliminate items that he didn’t like to wear or those that were damaged.

closet declutter. Joint decluttering of husband's clothes

If he questioned any of the clothing choices, he would ask for my input. Ultimately though, every decision was his to make. There were definitely a few pieces that he decided to keep that I might have thrown directly into the rag pile!

Take this shirt, for example. It is literally see through – but Craig insists that it is the most comfortable shirt he has ever worn. He loves to wear it when he chops wood or is working outside.

closet declutter - men have their own style

There were also a pair of shorts that I think are too baggy, that he loves to wear. I encouraged him to keep them. This is his wardrobe after all, and I continued to reassure him of that fact as we went through this process.




Decluttering can many times be thought of as a personal process. Going through my husband’s clothing with him though, I realized some important benefits.



He might not agree, but I actually had a lot of fun helping him tackle the closet declutter. Not only did I get a better sense of what his style is, it helped to cement the unity of this moment as a couple.  Minimalism and simplicity is something that we are constantly discussing as a couple, though I am the one who has taken on the bulk of the decluttering. It was nice to share this responsibility. Though I know that he doesn’t plan to help me declutter each and every room or category, this exercise at least gave him a better idea of the process that I am going through.



It was obvious during this closet declutter, that Craig had amassed quite the collection of T-shirts. Ironically, he doesn’t often wear them. After realizing that an entire drawer was stuffed with clothes he doesn’t use, he was willing to choose his favorites and let go of the rest.

In the large pile of t-shirts, we found two identical workout tank tops. Craig was unaware that he had both of them, and even questioned where one of them came from. He was able to look them both over, compare, and decide which to keep.



As the person who does the majority of shopping for our family (including clothing), it is important that I know when things need to be replaced. I will admit, however, that I hadn’t been paying close attention to Craig’s wardrobe. During this particular declutter process, it became pretty obvious that Craig is in dire need of a new pair of nice summer shorts, and also a couple new pairs of work Kaki’s.

closet declutter. finding items that need replacing

Since we are currently halfway through a no spend month, these purchases will need to wait a bit, which shouldn’t be a problem. They are noted, and will be taken care of.



Holding up my end of the bargain, I went to work getting everything put back in it’s place. The hanging items were neatly arranged in our small shared closet. Short sleeved tops are currently hung on the left side, since they are out of season. The long sleeved shirts are more easily accessible, on the right – closer to the door opening.

decluttering my husband's closet. Tips to help him in the process

I decided since hooded sweatshirts were important to Craig, that I would hang them up as well. This makes them more easily visible. Pants and shorts were also hung, using a special type of hanger.


I folded his t-shirts using the KonMari method, and was pleasantly surprised to easily fit them all into the drawer along with workout shorts and running pants.

husband clothing declutter. Folded tshirts in a drawer


While decluttering together, we discussed that the bins we had been using on the floor of our closet were not a great solution. It seemed to us that when items went into the bins, they were easily forgotten about. We decided to fit all of our items either on the hanging rod, or in the dresser drawers. This will not only make the clothing more accessible, it should also hopefully cut down on items being forgotten.

decluttering men's clothing

The bins, and also over 60 hangers, are now relieved of their service.



There is something entertaining about watching other people take on a closet declutter. It might even be motivating for you to try the same thing!

If you are looking for more inspiration, check out the husband closet declutter videos from Katie on the Flip Side and Old World Home.





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  • Gotta love when the men are willing to declutter too!ReplyCancel

  • I enjoyed reading about your process.  Hubby and I are in a different season of life. Probably wouldn’t replace those khakis if that small rip was the only rip. Grab a needle and repair them. Great tips to remember even before the items make their way into our closets!ReplyCancel

    • Those poor pants. It’s more than just the rip – but that was the most obvious thing to photograph – his wallet keeps poking through that hole! I think they will just be demoted to ‘chores’ pants, and he can get a new pair or two for his office job.ReplyCancel

  • Katie

    Wow, I needed this!  My husband has a shirt and jacket problem!  He has probably 75 percent of our closet space. ReplyCancel

    • It really helped my husband to see all of his things laid out together. He was really surprised he had so much!ReplyCancel

  • This is great!! My husband might go through his side of the closet once a year. He’s neat and tidy but just has too many clothes lol. I think it would help and go smoother to de-clutter together. I’m OCD and color coordinate my clothes ?. ReplyCancel

    • I really enjoyed decluttering together. It started out that he wanted me there though, so I knew that I wasn’t getting in his way. Your husband may have more opinions about clothes and how they are stored.ReplyCancel

  • I’ve been dreaming of the day my husband wants to declutter his things, but most importantly his closet!  The man has 50 dress shirts, probably more T-shirts, and 30 pair of dress pants.  Who needs that much????   It’s probably frowned upon to sneak a shirt here or there and donate somewhere, right?  haha!ReplyCancel

    • Yeah, probably frowned upon. LOL. Seriously though, ask him if he wants to go through his closet together. Since he knew I was there to help him, my husband was a lot more comfortable.ReplyCancel

  • My husband has been telling me for months (ever since I got rid of my dresser and minimized my clothes to fit just on my side of the closet) that he wants to go through his clothes. I’m excited for when the day arrives!ReplyCancel

    • There is so much more space now in our (very small) shared closet! I’m sure that your husband will do great too if he is ready!ReplyCancel

  • You have motivated me! How you got your husband to do his too is awesome:) And how did you get him in front of the camera?  Lol! Great job!ReplyCancel

    • Believe me that he does NOT like cameras, but he was a good sport about it. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • I’ve been planning on minimizing my closet here soon! Maybe it will inspire my husband to want to do the same too! Haha. Looks like it was a fun l?bonding experience and love the dance moves at the end ?ReplyCancel

  • Good job!ReplyCancel

  • This is awesome! I have been enjoying watching the Netflix series and my husband and I both went through our closets! I love having everything stacked in drawers rather than folded! Makes it so much easier to find everything! ReplyCancel

    • It is really nice to see a little bit of the tshirt logos instead of having to dig through and figure out which is which!ReplyCancel

  • Val

    Great decluttering video that you did together. I like how you found out more of his clothing style likes & dislikes too . Good job  ??. (& dance lessons next for him ?) ?ReplyCancel

    • Didn’t he do a great job?! I’m super proud of him for taking it on, and making it fun in the process. 😉ReplyCancel

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