Around here we have been…


ENJOYING the first part of summer break! As soon as school was out, the kids had a bunch of fun activity ideas – including playing with shaving cream on the picnic table!

Some got a bit more into it than others!

{L} also started his summer with surgery. He had his tonsils and adenoids removed. And although the healing process was a bit tough, he is doing so well now and is sleeping great with NO snoring!


WATCHING our dreams come to life. The building of Arrow Hill Cottage is in full swing!

The crew has already poured the footings and foundations, and done some site grading.

Meanwhile, we are working hard at making material selections. It is tough when faced with thousands of options!

We spend some time almost every single day out at the site, just enjoying the process – and feeling so blessed that we are embarking on this very special journey as a family.

You can read the latest house building update HERE.



TRYING new things. Summer is a time of exploration and discovery, especially for kids. It has been fun to see them try new things and learn from the experiences.

{I} took a three week beginner orchestra camp, learning how to play the violin. He enjoyed it and is excited to continue lessons during the school year.

The older boys had their first experience using the grill. They were pretty proud of their ability to cook hot dogs without burning them.

And little {M} surprised us big time, by learning how to ride a bike! Her brothers were so attentive and encouraging, even borrowing her the same bike that they learned to ride on.


SHOWERING this guy with love and appreciation. This Father’s Day we continued the tradition of seeing if Craig could ‘bear the weight’ of all of his kids at once. He succeeded… but next year might be tricky!


This is just a glimpse at what our family has been up to. If you’d like a closer look, be sure to check out our weekly ‘mini vlogs’ on our family YouTube channel ARROW HILL FAMILY. Be well everyone!

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  • How fun!  Your home is progressing so nicely!ReplyCancel

    • Thank you! I’m hoping to get another update post/video out today. They’ve been busy!ReplyCancel

  • Summer is such a great time for family to spend together! That’s amazing that your husband can still hold up all the kids! Won’t be much longer before that’s going to be impossible!ReplyCancel

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