Around here we have been…

GETTING USED TO SUMMER. The routine of each day has shifted. The kids are sleeping in longer and some days still in their pajamas until almost lunch time.  They are enjoying the extra time they have to explore their own interests, including the building of a wooden roller coaster in our yard. We are hopeful that this obsession will end soon and that no bones will be broken in the process.

Summer camps are also in full swing. Our school offers quite a few activities, as well as a free lunch program for kids 18 and younger. We are there almost every day. The girls participated in dance camp and had a blast with their friends, and {D} attended a camp that focused on electricity.

All the kids are making new friendships at the playground as well!


SMILING at the memories of the fun Anniversary road trip we took at the beginning of the month. We celebrated our ‘Sweet 16’ Anniversary with a surprise (and kid free!) trip that Craig had planned all on his own. We drove through Iowa, a bit of Missouri, and finally ended up in Marion, KS- a super small town that now holds a piece of our heart.

I wrote an entire post about our experience, which you can read HERE. The grand surprise was an outdoor concert featuring the amazing Christian band, Unspoken. Craig even arranged for the two of us to meet the group! This is definitely a trip that we will cherish!




GIVING Craig the credit he deserves for being an amazing daddy! Father’s day was celebrated at our home, and just as we do every year for Mother’s Day – we made sure to line everyone up and take a few photos. We love looking back on these memories and seeing how much the kids have grown. It won’t be long before Craig will no longer be able to manage this particular pose:

This year, we invited Craig’s parents over for a Father’s Day brunch after church, which meant that he was also included in the photo blitz. As we get older, it is easy to forget to take pictures of the grandparents with their adult children. That makes the times we do remember to do so even more special.

We hope we are raising our boys to be great fathers too.


PARTICIPATING in a fun football camp. The Minnesota Vikings, our favorite NFL team, collaborated with Hyundai to offer a youth football camp at their brand new practice facility in the Twin Cities. As soon as the registration became available, Angela jumped on the computer and signed all three boys up! There is a limit of 300 participants, and the spots filled up fast!

Craig and the boys spent the weekend at the house of one of Craig’s best friends from college. His family lives close to the practice facility, which was really nice. Their two boys were also able to participate in the camp. All of the kids were able to have their picture taken with Kyle Rudolf, and practiced drills led by some of the best coaching staff from the area. We are thrilled that they were given this FREE opportunity. They haven’t stopped talking about it!


This is just a glimpse at what our family has been up to. If you’d like a closer look, be sure to check out our weekly ‘mini vlogs’ on our YouTube channel ARROW HILL FAMILY. Be well everyone!

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